Vasundhara Abhiyan Baner, Pune is environment NGO (ENGO ) and consistently working since 2006 on Baner-Pashan Hill and carrying out tree plantation and conservation, soil conservation and rain water harvesting activities and helping urban environment to grow in bio diversity, creating awareness in citizens, schools and companies for greener tomorrow!!!
Since 2006, the Vasudhara Abhiyan Baner has started environmental conservation work on Tukai hill, Baner, Pune and has planted more than 40000 native plants of more than 350 species so far. The organization has built 30 water tanks for the purpose of watering the trees. All the tanks are given the names of the rivers. More than 40 + small/ big bundings bunds have been built to prevent rainwater harvesting. Vasundhara Abhiyan members are participating in green work every day for two hours. While organizing tree plantation and tree conservation, the institute organizes many environmental supplementary programs. The organization has made it very clear that by keeping its account very apt, the transparency of the work is set up to all the participants of the organization, hence the organization is well known as for its transparency from its establishment.
Tree plantation and conservation
Rain water harvesting and soil conservation
Environmental education and awareness campaigns
Social activities
Activities carried out by Vasundhara Abhiyan
Below are the major environmental activities carried out by Vasundhara Abhiyan on daily basis.
1. Tree plantation and conservation Various types of plants are being planted every year in large numbers on Baner hill. To conserve plants, construction of each water tank is done by Vasundhara Volunteers. It also includes transportation of raw material like bricks, cement, crush, metal and water.
2. Bio-diversity conservation Great results are seen from last few years in growth of bio-diversity due to organic maintenance methods, using native plant palette and cleaning and maintaining natural habitats on hill.
3. Rain water harvesting and soil conservation Vasundhara Abhiyan has gained special expertise in constructing Continuous Contour Trench(CCT) and Bund. It helps to harvest rain water and conserve soil on different plateaus on hill.
4. Environmental education and awareness campaigns Vasundhara Abhiyan works closely with schools, multiple organizations and citizens to spread environmental education and awareness by conducting seminars, presentations and events like drawing competitions etc.
5. Social activities Being responsible organization, Vasundhara Abhiyan always tries to social activities like Blood donation, cleanup work at nearby deteriorating forts, speedily vanishing rivers and canals flowing through cities. We also work closely with Pani Foundation in every summer.
You can also participate in the organization’s green work and conserve the environment.
Water Bodies
Tree Planted